A perfect day for Deerhounds even if it was a bit breezy for us humans. The wind seemed to affect some of the exhibits, particularly some of the younger and less experienced hounds who were unsettled. Most of the hounds were very well presented as one would expect, but some were quite dirty to the extent that I could feel the dried mud in their coats. Other than that I had some excellent exhibits to judge, including some very promising youngsters. Thanks to everyone for entering under me at my first CC appointment. Having had Deerhounds for over 25 years I was very much looking forward to this and was not disappointed.
MPD: (1, 1abs).
PD: (3) 1. Barret’s Stranwith Raglan. Promising puppy with a racy outline. Very dark coat with correct crisp texture. Dark eyes. Correct flat skull with correct ear set. Good top line. Adequate layback of shoulder into straight front legs. Would prefer slightly less upright pasterns but this could improve with age. Good underline. Correct slope of croup and good bend of stifle. I think today was his first show and he seemed a little overwhelmed by it all. Consequently, he was a little erratic on the move but when settled he moved well. 2. Taylor’s Cotherstone Dalmore. Handsome head and expression. Good depth of brisket leading into good tuck-up giving the correct underline. Good front assembly but would prefer a bit more forechest. Adequate bend of stifle. Moved OK but needs to strengthen throughout, which could come with age and appropriate exercise. 3. Dawson’s Stranwith Ratagan at Stubbylee.
JD: (4, 2abs) 1. Peach’s Kilbourne Shrike. Handsome, well-boned, masculine dog presenting a pleasing outline. Attractive head with correct flat skull. Strong neck into good front assembly. Straight front, adequate slope of pasterns into good feet. Good depth of brisket and correct tuck-up. Strong hind quarters with good width behind. Movement steady and true but slightly lacking in drive today. 2. Winstanley’s Leonard From The Shadows. Finer built than 1, Good crisp coat. Promising youngster with good conformation. Balanced angulation front and rear. Good topline. Sadly, he was not entirely sound on the move today.
PGD: (7) 1. Peach’s Kilbourne Lloyd. Handsome hound. Correct coat. Presented a balanced picture. Good depth of brisket. Strong neck and good front assembly. Adequate slope to front pasterns. Neat, strong feet. Good width and power in his rear quarters. Moved well to win this class but not with as much drive in the challenge for the CC. 2. Helps’ Beardswood Torran. Upstanding, handsome hound. Typical head and expression. Good front assembly with adequate angulation into strong, straight legs. Good slope to pasterns. Correct depth of brisket and good length to ribbing. Good bend of stifle and strong rear quarters. Didn’t move with quite as much drive as 1. 3. Adams’ Ardneish Pinochio.
LD: (5, 1abs) 1. Finnett & Heathcote’s Hyndsight Pilgrim. Dark hound with correct crisp coat. Balanced angulation front and rear. Good front assembly into straight front with good slope to pasterns. Good topline. Would prefer slightly more depth in his brisket but he is still relatively young so this could come with age. Good width in rear quarters. Moved very well when settled. 2. Baumann’s Packway Loxley Norton. Handsome dog with typical head and expression. Very good outline with balanced angulation front and rear. Good depth of brisket with correct underline. Moved OK but seemed a little unsettled and didn’t move with as much drive as I’d expected. 3. Girling’s Pyefleet Tarka.
OD: (3, 1abs) 1 & CC. Finnett & Heathcote’s Ch Hyndsight Desperado. Handsome, fully matured hound presenting a balanced outline. Typical head and expression with well set, neat ears. Strong neck into excellent lay of shoulder. Very good, depth of brisket with good length of ribbing. Excellent width throughout, especially in his rear quarters which he used well on the move. 2 & RCC. Grimshaw’s Greyflax The Jazz Singer to Jamalison. Another fully matured, handsome hound. Upstanding male with good front assembly into straight front with adequate slope to pasterns. Good depth of brisket correct tuck-up. Good topline. Good bend of stifle. Moved well. I was nit-picking between 1 and 2 but this hound didn’t have quite as much width or power in his rear quarters as 1. Pleased to award him the RCC.
VD: (1) 1. Baumann’s Ch Regalflight Tarloch. Presenting a balanced outline. Good angulation front and rear. Good depth of brisket. Straight front with good slope to pasterns. Mature, silver grey coat with correct mane which is sadly lacking in many. Moved very well for his age and was clearly enjoying his day out. Very well presented.
MPB: (3, 1abs) 1 & BP. Helps’ Beardswood Ulyssa. Attractive puppy with typical head and expression. Presented a very balanced outline. Plenty of bone without any coarseness. Strong neck into well angulated front assembly. Good length of ribbing. Correct top line. Good width to rear quarters giving plenty of drive on move. Moved very well for such a young hound. I understand that this was her first show and she took it all in her stride, even in the big ring for the puppy group where she was shortlisted to the final eight. A very promising puppy. 2. Cannon & Duddell’s Hyndsight an American Girl for Canerikie. Another very promising puppy but not quite as mature as 1. She didn’t seem entirely confident in the ring which affected her movement today. When stacked she presented a balanced picture with curves in all the right places. Good angulation front and rear with adequate width throughout. Lots to like about this puppy. It will be interesting to see how she develops.
PB: (2). 1. Wilce Quinton’s Kilbourne Louisa Chick at Kirjojax. Well balanced youngster. Attractive head and expression. Good front assembly with straight legs into good sloping pasterns and neat feet. Good length of ribbing and correct top line. Adequate width to rear quarters which she used well on the move. 2. Peach’s Kilbourne Rose Bud. Litter sister to one which explains why I had to nit-pick between these two. Very similar comments apply, although this hound was slightly finer built. Another typical head and expression. Moved well but didn’t appear to be entirely sound today.
JB: (1). 1. Hawkins’ Kaleginy Thistle at Kwaricott. Not long out of puppy and at that typical junior stage. Nevertheless, a very promising hound presenting a balanced picture. Attractive, dark hound with a very feminine head and expression. Well constructed front into adequate slope of pasterns and tidy feet. Good length of ribbing and correct top line. A little erratic on the move but moved well when settled.
PGB: (11, 3 abs). The largest class of the day with some excellent quality. 1 & RCC. Adams’ Ardneish Pearl. Caught my eye as soon as she entered the ring. Not the biggest of bitches but certainly not too small to meet the breed standard. Very attractive dark hound. Lovely head with typical, soft expression. Presented a very balanced picture with curves in all the right places. Very good front assembly. Good depth of brisket and correct tuck-up. Correct top line. Movement was a bit erratic to begin with but when settled she moved very well and even better when in the challenge for the CC. She won this class and the RCC on her balance and width throughout, especially in her hind quarters. 2. Grimshaw’s Hyndsight Long Cool Woman to Jamalison. Presented a balanced picture. Typical head and expression. Good angulation front and rear. Neat feet. Would prefer slightly more width throughout. Lost out to 1 on movement today. She didn’t stride out as well as I think she could. However, still a very respectable placing in this very strong class. 3. Finnett & Heathcote’s Hyndsight Careless Whisper.
LB: (3, 2abs). 1. Kilgar’s Claonaiglen Cona at Maelstrom. Attractive, dark hound with typical head and expression. Balanced angulation front and rear. Good length but would prefer a fraction more length in the ribbing rather than in the loin. Moved OK but a little close behind today.
OB: (6, 1abs). 1 & CC, BOB. Helps & Dove’s Ch Foxcliffe Classic Liberty Freedom at Beardswood. Well balanced, workmanlike hound but still feminine without any coarseness. Typical head and expression. Excellent front assembly into straight front and neat, strong feet. Very good depth of brisket and excellent underline. Good rear angulation. Powerful hind quarters with plenty of width giving powerful, effortless movement. Moved very well. Very pleased to see her shortlisted to the final eight in a very strong hound group. 2. Finnett & Heathcote’s Ch Hyndsight Mandolin Wind. Another worthy champion. A very well made, workmanlike hound whilst still very feminine. Very balanced outline with correct angulation front and rear. When settled she moved well but didn’t have the effortless flow of 1. 3. Peach’s Ch Blixten Star to Kilbourne (Imp).
VB: (1) 1. & Best Veteran. Meer’s Hyndsight Ripley into Shagiead. Beautiful, 8 year old hound. Very typical head and melting expression. Well balanced with curves in all the right places. Good muscle tone for her age. Correct top line and underline. Good width throughout with strong, broad rear quarters. Moved very well with an effortless gait.
Judge: Dee Blatchford.